
New Year’s Day is all about a fresh start and a chance to develop new healthy habits. There are so many sustainable and healthful products that come from the hemp plant. Hemp seed oil, hearts, and protein are delicious, non-allergenic, gluten-free, plant-based sources of protein and omegas. 

We have both Virgin and Refined Hemp Seed Oils. We mechanically cold-press the whole hemp seed. Our filtering process removes all chlorophyll and impurities from the oil, while maintaining the nutritional value. The hemp seed oil has a perfectly balanced omega profile of 3, 6, and 9. Our hemp seed oil is great for food applications such as in salad dressings, edible oils, dips, etc. It works well in cosmetics like skin creams, soaps, and salves. It can be used as a plant-based industrial lubricant as well.

Our hemp hearts are made by dehulling the hemp seed, which removes the hard outer shell. The hearts have a delicious, mild, nutty flavor. Hemp hearts retain the full balanced amino acid profile.

They are great for snacking, and for use as an ingredient in many of your favorite recipes to add a protein and nutrient boost. 

Our protein powder is also 100% hemp grain. We mill and dry-sift the hemp cake that is left over from the oil pressing. We offer 25% and 42% protein powder blends. We are happy to work with you to make custom blends as well.

Visit our website to learn more about Hemp Acres and to place an order. Happy New Year!