Hemp Applications For Cosmetics

Hemp-based cosmetic products provide a multitude of benefits for our skin and satisfy consumer demand for more clean, natural product options.

Hemp Acres hemp seed oil, hemp cannabinoids, full-spectrum hemp terpenes, and floral waxes each can help to create makeup, skincare, soap, and hair products.

Retail companies often use hemp seed oil in their makeup and skincare products. Dr. Bronner's was an early adaptor of hemp seed oil, integrating it into their line of products over 20 years ago. 

Hemp seed oil helps to naturally reduce inflammation which is often a primary culprit in many skin related conditions. Hemp oil is non-comedogenic, which means that it is proven to not cause blocked pores. Hemp is also known for its high levels of fatty acids to repair the protect the skin barrier as well as its ability to combat other key skin concerns like sensitivity, excess oil, dry skin, pigmentation, and even fine lines. Hemp is referred to as an all-in-one solution for cosmetic needs, simplifying consumer regiments and ensuring confidence in a naturally derived plant-based product. 


 Ingredient Application Benefit
Hemp Seed Oil Makeup, skincare, and hair products

- high levels of fatty acids repair and protect the skin barrier.

- reduces inflammation, a primary culprit in various skin conditions. 


Full Spectrum Hemp Terpenes 
Lotions, candles, soaps, makeup, skincare, and hair products 
 -a naturally- occurring fragrance option. 
Hemp Floral Waxes Lotions, candles, and soaps   -a naturally- occurring fragrance option. 
Hemp Cannabinoids
CBD makeup, skincare, and hair products
- combats sensitivity, excess oil, dry skin, pigmentation, and even fine lines.